Thursday 6 October 2016

MacSkimming Outdoor Education Centre

Since founded in 1967, the primary focus of MacSkimming Outdoor Education Centre has been to provide an opportunity for students to explore, experience, appreciate, and learn about natural science and outdoor activities in an outdoor setting.

The Ottawa Carleton District School Board (OCDSB) operates two outdoor centres:
  • Bill Manson Centre in Ottawa's west end.
  • MacSkimming Centre in the east end.

Both Centres provide high quality, hands-outdoor education programs that are designed and delivered to complement classroom learning in several sections of the Ontario Curriculum.

I had the opportunity to go to MacSkimming with the Kinder. It was fun. 

In the morning, we explored the fauna and the flora in the forest; we looked for animals and other living things such as mushrooms, plants and trees.

After lunch, we talked about the birds that live at MacSimming. The kids were birds for a while. They built their nests, looked for corn to feed their families and flew to arrive to their homes.

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